1. Make a Plan. Starting out before knowing where you’re going usually gets you nowhere. Take the time to journal - even if it’s just once a month and review those notes as you plan for the month ahead…
2. Take a Step Back. What can I handle and how much time do I have? I may want to join the board of a non-profit but if the kids need me now, that may have to wait.
3. Pick a word or phrase to focus on. Patience in the Face of Adversity. The quiet Force of Good. Active Engagement with the World Around Me. What defines your best state of being. Write it down and stick it over the mirror. The reminder will keep you on track
4. Get specific with actions. Not just, “I want the world to be a kinder place” but I will take time to ask good questions of people I have not reached out to at work. Or, I will take 3 breaths before texting my ex-husband back and then write a message that the kids can read.
5. Tell a friend. Accountability is key here and it’s easier to talk yourself out of a commitment than it is to weasel out of one you’ve shared with your BFF, co-worker or boss.
6. Unplug at night. It’s tough to wind down but your FB feed is not helping! Make a rule to unplug after say, 8PM and stick to it. Those minutes in meditative silence, reading or talking to your family will yield beautiful results.
Whatever your steps, making time for the things that are important will have a positive and lasting effect on your presence in the world and your sense of self-worth.
For more Personal Growth tips, visit http://possible.co